Electrical Survey Company

20+ Years of Electrical Surveying Experience

Get Your Panel Recordings |

Complete Your Engineering |

Get Your Permits |

Stay On Schedule |

Get Your Panel Recordings | Complete Your Engineering | Get Your Permits | Stay On Schedule |

Electrical Panel Survey Services

Commercial & Industrial

Large projects require expert experience to ensure safety on the job site and accurate recordings to meet code requirements.

Hospitals & Public Buildings

There is no compromise for quality in this sector. Our experienced technicians are trained to understand the special requirements of working in public environments and healthcare facilities.

Multi-Family Residential

We take safety seriously. The safety of every family in a multi-family residential building is our number one priority.

Our Promise


Whether you are an electrical engineer, the building owner, or a general contractor; When you need an electrical recording to ensure you meet California code, we understand your world.

We have the knowledge and experience to help you check this off your to-do list without the hassle.

About Us

Electrical Survey Company was created to meet a simple need for electrical engineers, building owners, and general contractors – accurate panel recordings done right with high quality service.

We take the headache out of collecting the data you need to meet code requirements so you can get your permit and stay on schedule.

Electrical Surveying
Done Right, Done Fast & Without The Hassle.

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